When I set out to create a new product I had clear in my mind what the results would look and feel like.  What I wasn’t sure of was how I was going to get my products into the hands of those who would enjoy using them.  It was clear I needed a plan.


I have had several years experience in Australia and the UK retail sectors but was not familiar with the mechanics of South African distribution.  My research commenced with many random conversations with patient friends.  It then moved onto a coup in the form of two hours with Cheron Craak, the mastermind behind Billabong.  I received several pieces of valuable advice during our discussion and I thank Cheron for her time and confidence in the concept.  It became clear that SARCDA was my launch destination and much planning was to be done in the period March to August before revealing our products to the South African retail industry at large.


In booking a stand at SARCDA I then had to seek out suppliers, materials, and allocate a budget.  This lead me to PR and campaign companies in Johannesburg, where I was able to provide a brief which solidified my requirements and the ethos of the company and it’s products.  It is at this point that I must give credit and great thanks to my friend and textile designer, Heather Hensley.  Heather was able to take my design ideas to the next level and tied everything together to produce a coordinated, contemporary range of colours and shapes.  Heather has had my back since I first asked her advice in March this year, and I am relieved and ever so happy she is still hanging in there with me despite having her significant commitments.